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00:00 / 04:37

example only

You left a note

stuck to my door.

The door's ajar

the car is gone. 


You would dig a hole to drop us both in,

shovel dirt on our lives.

Toss away and forget all this magic

just 'cause the magic has died. 


Give me wire, string and cotton.

I could put us back together if you let me. 


I'd preserve the beauty that is left here,

what stories our lives can tell. 

Wash away the rot that we've been feeling

Cure 'til we no longer smell. 


Give me wire, string and cotton. 

I could put us back together if you let me. 


And when I'm done maybe you'll see

that just because a thing is dead it doesn't mean

it can't be beautiful.

But you just think it's stuffed. 


Give me wire, string and cotton. 

I could put us back together if you let me. 





Score and Parts - $25 (Hard Copy or PDF)

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